Sunday, July 13, 2008

Are you sure you are going to the food court?

Lawrence and I wanted to go for a quick bite just on our own, without the kids. As usual, we cordially invited Nicole to come along.

Me " Nicole, do you want to come with us? We are going to the food court" (based on past experiences, the answer would be negative as Nicole hates going to food court because it is not air-conditioned)

Nic " Yes, I am going." ( is not working!)

Me " Are you sure? The food court is very crowded at this hour and it will be very hot"

Nic " Are you sure you are going to the food court? Why do you need to change? Cant you just wear your home clothes?" (Oh Oh, she noticed that I changed....)

Lawrence " Nicole, it is ok. You can call mommy, you know her handphone number, right?"

Nic " Oh yes, ok...bye, remember to get me a soya bean drink "

Phew!.. but Nicole called me 5 times just to check where I was.....:(

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