Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Come and see my new panty..

I intentionally bought a few of these panties for Nicole. (What do you call it? boyleg? boy cut panty?). The purpose is protect her modesty as kids tend to sit in all sorts of positions and at times, the positions may be compromised.

Nicole was delighted to see her new panties and wanted to wear it to school.

Me " Nicole, do you like your new panties?"
Nic" Ya, I showed it to my friends"
Me" What? Who did you show it to?"
Nic" Kyra"
Me" and Kyra is a girl right?..who else?"
Nic" ya...Kyra is a girl. I didnt show it to anyone else"
Me " ok..good...you don't show your panties to your friends ok?...it is something very personal. Remember?"
Nic "ok.....but it is so pretty. I saw Kyra's panty too"
Me " ok..don't do it again "

Why can't kids just keep things to themselves?? They simply love to share, don't they ? :()


Jaanvi said...

Ya they love to share but its important to tell them what to share and what not to,setting boundaries like u did... :)

Administrator said...

hihi.. ya was glad she didnt show it to the boys....:)

cre8tone said...

Maybe she think it's too cute to keep it to herself... hmm..

Anonymous said...

*laugh* that's one of the reasons why I prefer to have boys more than girls...*wink*

Anonymous said...

Girls love to share secrets :)
Makes me think of my childhood *blush*

Anonymous said...

Yes, I love this kind of boyleg too....have been buying those for Serena, because it provides more "coverage"!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's called boy shorts ;)

Nice to see your regular updates, mam! Enjoying motherhood yea hehe. I myself am getting back to working a little as a photographer. Rae is in first grade and I have some days off with Skyler at the co-op preschool.

Keep the updates comin!