It was a rather free and easy sunday class.
The girls read an English reader together - The Donkey and the Cat. Both could do it quite well, especially Shanon. Shanon helped Nicole to pronounce a couple of words e.g. shed, chair. When it came to comprehension, both girls tried to answer the questions, a couple of which were quite tricky and I was rather pleased that they put in effort to analyse the story.
Then we did some revision on basic addition. It was nothing new to the girls but the challenge was to do it mentally, instead of transforming the equation to a vertical format. I told the girls to remember the smaller number and in this case, it was 2. Then, they had to count 2 counts from the other number, and in this case, it was 8 (starting from 9). They got the hang of it just after one example! They both recognised that it was a much more efficient way of adding!
Then we did some revision on basic addition. It was nothing new to the girls but the challenge was to do it mentally, instead of transforming the equation to a vertical format. I told the girls to remember the smaller number and in this case, it was 2. Then, they had to count 2 counts from the other number, and in this case, it was 8 (starting from 9). They got the hang of it just after one example! They both recognised that it was a much more efficient way of adding!
Soon, it was tea break again. They had a fizzy multi vit each. I bought them during our trip back to Australia in March 2008. It went "zzzzz" in their mouth and they were laughing away at the "tingling" sensation! By then, their hearts were already somewhere else, up in their plane for their world trip! They recited the Chinese poem after me without even looking at the book! They were busy packing and getting ready for their plane ride! ....and that ended our fun sunday class :)
Irene, please do share more about your Sunday class e.g. how you started to teach little Nicole the Chinese poem, how to conduct a role play, etc coz it sounds interesting. I am planning to start Angel on those activities too but got no where to start from. Mind to share? You are really my si-fu now :)
hi really make me blush!! cant be your si-fu lah...but surely can share...I only started teaching nicole chinese poems this when she was took alot of patience to get her to learn the first one..thereafter, it was much much easier..
Angel is barely 17 months, 1 month older than Ethan. I have not engaged him in such activities yet. I dont think he is ready yet. I would read to him on a daily basis..and get him to respond to me by completing the last word of every sentence. So far he is doing fine. How is angel doing? I mean, does she enjoy reading? etc.etc...what do you do with her on a daily basis?..we surely have plenty to share :)
wow! seriously, u made me feel so LAZY! Your kids must be very bright :)and you must be VERY patient!
hi 4malmal,
i suppose i am just trying to justify my job as homeminister heh?..Ethan is trying to vocalise the last word of some sentences, but certainly he is not able to say it all yet..
how are you doing with your boy? cheers
Nicole is really a smart gal for her age. I wish my gal who is about Nicole's age could do all these. Guess i have to work very hard on this.
Actually, what sort of activities are suitable for a 2 year old besides reading and colouring? Maybe u can give me some pointers. :)
hi contented mum,
u r doing great and I have lots to learn from u :)
hi fussy mom,
kids have their own you dont need to worry too much about it..just do your best in nurturing her. we can always share ideas.
hi mommy gwen,
do you have those alpabet playmats at home? i used to have nicole jump on i said A, she would find A and jump on it...Nicole was able to master (ie. regconise) A to Z by 19 months....
hi 4malmal,
we should learn from one another...hope to see you more often... and i would definitely pop over too...cheers
Thanks for the suggestion. :) We do have the alphabets playmat at home. Gwen likes taking out those alphabets..haha..Nicole is really smart.
Hi Irene, I think my Angel is not ready for such activities too and I find that she is even slower then Ethan in a lot of ways (she is a bit slower in speech and reluctant to say it out when she is not sure no matter how we teach and coax her to mention it), but I guess, different kid different speed? So every month, I would test her on her understanding, etc and only planned on whatever activities that suits her but so far, although she is showing me progress but really slow so basically, I still do nothing much with her besides playing some music (xylophone) and singing with her, readings stories, ABC, 123, colour & shapes, animal (but she is more interested in flipping those books for me), Blocks Stacking, some tidying up training (I almost do not need to pick up her toys for her now), get her to involved in whatever I do (i.e. "helping" out in preparing her meals), will start soon in flashing her some cards, drawings (yet to find a good non-toxic crayon), etc. So I am trying to find out what else can I do with her as she has short span of concentration, do not follow instruction most of the time (do not want to respond accordingly or point at whatever we asked her). But I hope I am ready when she shows sign of readiness to learn some words and speech :)
Hi mummygwen,
try it and see if angel likes to play along...just one way of making learning fun!
Hi mommyangel,
Not to over worry about angel. She seems a bright kid to me! Your decription of angel seems perfectly normal to me...angel is still an infant, technically fine day, she may just surprise you with things you would never imagine she knows! Being able to be a little helper is already a fantastic achievement. I still have to clean up after Nicole!....she knows she should but she just wouldnt :(
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