Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sunday class is back!

I have not been able to conduct our usual Sunday class for many weeks since I started work again. Seeing that the girls really enjoy each other's company, I decided to resume it. We did something simple to refresh their memory - mental subtraction! Yes, without the fingers by counting backwards!

Then, the girls were told to write a short journal of anything and everything. It turned out that it was indeed a real SHORT journal! They had a fair idea of how to form a sentence though not entirely grammatically correct. They needed a little help with some spellings.
As usual, they ended the lesson with their imaginary play. This time, they had to include the self invited little boy in their girly playworld as Ethan quickly helped himself to the cooking set, as soon as the girls displayed them!


Angeline said...

This is really really good work for their age!

Fussy mum said...

The children really have a fruitful Sunday :)

Vickylow said...

Oh well done and so good that have the effort :)

DG said...

Wow! With your packed work schedule, you can still find energy to conduct Sunday class. :)