Monday, June 14, 2010


My little boy was full of innovation and creativity when it comes to expressing his feelings in words. He fears no mistakes in attempting to express himself ,whether in Mandarin or English. Listen to this :

E " Mummy, ba ba "tong" wo"
Me " Huh? Ma ma ting bu qing chu. ni zai shuo yi bian?" (I didnt hear you well, could you repeat?)
E " Mummy, daddy hurt me"

Me " ying gai shuo - ba ba shang hai ni. " (you should say " ba ba shang hai ni" )
E " shi de"

E was processing the English word "hurt" in his little computer and the equivalent came up to be "tong". Pain = hurt? haha! Well, it was not wrong but simply not used in the right context, one being a verb and the other being a noun. I enjoy conversing with E in both English and Mandarin.

Part 2

Me " How did daddy hurt you?"
E " He punished me"
Me " Did you do something wrong?"
E " Yes, I hit him!"
Me " Well, then you should learn to behave yourself next time. Ok?"
E " ok"


Vickylow said...

Oh he pick up English & Chinese very well. My girl Chinese suck haha

Reanaclaire said...

pandai.. next time your kids should have no problem picking up language..

cre8tone said...


Jaanvi said...

doing a great job there... :) keep it up...