Friday, June 18, 2010

Information processing time

Ethan asked to have an ice cream and I told him he needed to be able to spell the word ice cream first. After some 10 attempts, he still could not get it right and he broke down “ I don’t want to eat ice cream anymore…uhh uhh….uhh….I don’t want to eat anymore”. I felt bad and I gave him a small scoop in the end. He was all happy again.

2 days later, he gave me the biggest surprise he had ever given me in 3 years! (though I must confess that I have been raising the bar from time to time). He talked in “alphabets”!

E “ M-u-m-m-y, I want to drink m-i-l-k and I want to eat i-c-e c-r-e-a-m too”

For a couple of seconds, I was thinking hard what he was “chanting” about and of course, he had his wishes granted with a big kiss and a big hug from M-u-m-m-y!

I realise that he is able to spell over 50 words now and the the collection is growing. Some of such words are pretty complicated for his age .e.g. ice cream, coconut, mouse..etc etc


cre8tone said...

Wow! He's great!

Jaanvi said...

Awesome... he is already making m-u-m-m-y proud.. :)

Administrator said...

hi prince n princess mum and Jaanvi, thanks for popping over. I have not been able to leave messages at your blog as I dont have the luxury to blog as often though i do hop over to read your post every so often.

thanks for your encouragement :)
