Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bad decisions?

L and I were again on the same dicussson topic, right before bedtime. He wanted to acquire another property right at this point in time but I disagreed, for an obvious reason - we are riding on an up going train and we don't know when it will turn.

L " I don't see why we should hold back. The interest rate is low....etc etc"

Me " I refuse to talk about it again. Based on your historical track records, the decisions you made were bad decisions. You insisted on selling our first home and you bought Lilifield at the peak without consulting me. "

L " Yaya, the only right thing I did was marrying you! "

Me" That goes without saying. hahaha! Taking away your bad decisions, by my right decisions, we are now sitting on 2 good properties! The only bad decision I made was marrying you"

We both had a good laugh and went to bed. Surely L didnt feel very justified... :)