Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pure laziness.....

N has been complaining of “boredom” again. I suggested that she read some books, play or simply rest but nothing would appease her. Then an idea popped up! Though not my slightest intention to drill her on past years’ exam papers, they have come as a handy tool to keep her occupied in some afternoons. At times, she would oblige (a sign of extreme boredom) while in most cases, she would say a big “NO”.

When I get home, I would mark her paper, with her sitting next to me.

N “ Mummy, I don’t like to answer questions on comprehension because I am too lazy to repeat writing it. Can’t the teacher just check the answers from the passage? I will just number and circle the answers on the passage.”

For a moment, I was totally dumbfounded at her creativity/laziness!. Despite some careless mistakes here and there, Nic has done consistently well in tackling P1 exam papers, scoring between 80% to 98%. Hopefully, by the time she sits for her P1 exams next year, she would be more prepared and less careless :)


MeRy said...

Your girl is so smart...

cre8tone said...

Can’t the teacher just check the answers from the passage?
She's so smart!