Friday, August 20, 2010

Slow Coach

E must be tired of eating whole meal bread with avocado, flaxseed and honey. His teacher politely requested that we pack something different for him as he had taken 1.5 hours to finish his tea break snack while others took only 20minutes eating the food provided at school – white bread with hotdogs! Surely it was more appetizing to the kids!

E “ Mummy, I don’t want to eat bread in school anymore. No more!”

I am very particular about the kids’ food choices and I insist on packing E’s lunches and snacks from home. I must confess that I have not been very attentive to adding variety to E’s snacks for the past 1 week, resulting in him being a super slow coach in consuming his food. Poor baby! I promise to re-plan his menu so that he will have something new in his snack box to look forward to everyday!

1 comment:

2xMum said...

my kid has been eating biscuits in school!! The school most of the time give them biscuits and a cup of milo... sigh.