Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ben10 Wanabe

We had a mini home birthday celebration for E, at his request.

I tried to imprint a BEN10 image onto his cake but it was ruined as the butter cream melted. I had to do immediate damage control! There was a box of strawberries on standby. Quickly, I washed and soaked them in salt! The leaves were kept deliberately. I literally laid them over the disfigured character,,,,,and in return, I stuck E's Ben10 figurines on the cake plate....da....da....still a Ben10 cake in his eyes :)

Well, he was more interested in his Omnitrix than the cake :( the moment I permitted him to upwrap our present to him. The watch was something that he has been asking for but we decided to keep it for his big day and he was absolutely thrilled! Of course, he also received a Buzz Light year wrist band - his past favourite..., amongst other presents.

The girls were engrossed in pizza making and the only boy was running about with his Omnitrix and eventually his battery went flat before the party was over!


Vickylow said...

Nice homemade birthday cake. Happy Birthday to Ethan.

Amy said...

Nice cake and happy 4th birthday to Ethan... :)

LittleLamb said...

Happy Birthday E.
I didnt know he was same age as P.

Best wishes.

Administrator said...

Thank you gals! I finally discharged my responsiblitiy of delivering his Ben10 (wanabe) cake :)