Monday, May 23, 2011


We were in the lift, heading for our dinner.

My grandma ("GM") remarked" Eh, Where is Lawrence? Isnt he joining us? "

Me " Oh, Lawrence has a meeting to attend. Dont worry, you dont need to walk there, I will drive you " (I could sense GM's concern. GM is 81 and her legs are not as strong as before)

GM " You can drive now? Wow, such a clever girl...finally, you drive"

Everybody was happy to be driven to the restaurant as it was a warm day. Poor me, as there was no vacant parking lot available and I figured it would be better for me to return the car and walk to the restaurant instead. (Even if there was one, I wasnt sure if I could wriggle it in cos they were all parallel lots :(). Thank god it was a short distance. I reappeared at the restaurant within 5 minutes!


LittleLamb said...

ehehhehehe more practice needed. u r clever girl ;)

Amy said...

hahaha... so funny ;) At least u r still better than me.