Thursday, May 19, 2011


I dont know about other children but for Nicole, she is totally independent. She packs her own bag. She does her own homework, which I dont see very often. She claims that she is the fastest in her class and she finishes it all in school :)

Most of all, she studies for tests/spellings on her own, if she studies at all because I have never seen her do it, frankly :)

Her independence has allowed me time to pick up baking :) :) Thanks to N's indepedence, I am now a much better baker than 6 months ago. Well, the kids get to benefit from it too :)

I was on the phone with her teacher a couple of days ago as I would not be able to attend the parent-teacher meeting. This is what she said of N :

" N is such a joy to teach. She is very attentive and independant. She has neat hand writing and so I get her to help me with a lot of writing and copying. She is definitely a high performer. I know she does her own homework unlike some other children whose work is clearly assisted by parents/ tuition teacher as the answers are too perfect.

So what I did was, I got all the children to complete their homework in class and Nicole is usually one of the few who are able to complete them, without any problems. This is when I can detect the true performers. Those who complete their work with home assistance, would now struggle.

I am confident she is academically strong. I think she is an all rounder. She is strong in sports too. I was wondering if you would allow her to participate in the interschool swimming competition in July?........."

Well, I know N's competence and it didnt come as a surprise but of course, it was an affirmation that N is progressing well and I am thankful for it. As to the swmming competition, I am not too sure because our pool has been closed for a major repair since April and it will remain closed till end of June which means N would not have a chance to swim or to train at all, now that I know a proper training will take at least 3 months (heehee, I obviously didnt know earlier - for N's school swimming carnival in February....) Will have to see....

Good job sweetie, you have never failed to make us proud parents!


cre8tone said...

She's really good!~

Administrator said...

Thank you Prince n princess mum for your kind words. Indeed, I am very thankful. PTL :)