Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tiramisu birthday cake

My grandma and aunt are here for a visit. In celebration of grandma's belated birthday, I baked her a tiramisu birthday cake. Not much of a deco as it was not planned for.

A cottony vanilla sponge cake brushed with coffee and rum and layered/coated with just thin layers of lemony cheese. (my aunt dislikes the cheesy taste). The sides were lined with freshly roasted almond flakes. To finish it off, the top was generously sprinkled with cocoa power which gave it that extra kick. It was a mild tiramisu, having to cater to the junior eaters.

The kids were just interested in blowing the candles and cutting the cakes :) Nic had 3 big helpings while E shunned away. He didnt like the coffee taste albeit light.


Alice Law said...

Tiramisu is always my favourite cake, but I usually use lady fingers instead of sponge cake... but it seems sponge cake would taste bettr, isn't it?;D

Administrator said...

Hi Alice,

I guess I was too lazy to pipe the sponge lady fingers...perhaps I should try doing it the next round... I prefer sponge cake as it is softer vis a vis sponge fingers...So, if you like a firmer texture, sponge fingers would be nice.. :)
