The kids and I absolutely love the homemade fresh yogurt. I would make some 500g to 700g per week. Unlike commercial yogurt, sugar is pre-added. We have it plain with honey and fresh fruit. A whole lot healthier!
WorkPlayz Montessori is a personalized Montessori Pre-School with a strong emphasis on language development.
At WorkPlayz Montessori, the child works at her own optimum level – in a COZY environment where BEAUTY and ORDERLINESS are emphasized and appreciated. A spontaneous love of "WORK" is revealed as the child is given the freedom (within boundaries) to make her own choices.
Children's activity is referred to as "work" because we believe that play is the important work of early childhood. We place value on children's activity in the classroom by describing and treating them as work. With this in effect, a child's work becomes not only an effort a child makes or a process a child follows, but also an activity the child finds enjoyable, interesting and valuable in itself for that reason
It is an ideal pre-school for parents who prefer a smallerlearning group which would minimise the risks of infection due to the general weaker immunity of the younger ones as well as a lower teacher to student ratio.
Does it taste a lot more sour?
Hi prince n pincess mum,
It tastes just a little sour but with honey and fruits, it is just nice :) cheers
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