Friday, July 11, 2008

How to get kids interested in Maths?

After getting Nicole interested in using my laptop to play some kiddie math games, she is now much more adept in doing some basic maths. I taught her 3 basic steps in tackling additions.

1) if the numbers > 10, then

2) transform the equation to a vertical format, then

3) cover the left hand columns, and start adding

I wrote the equation (14 + 28) and she did the transformation on her own including drawing that big fat arrow :)
The above self invented steps seem to work. Try it out on your kids too. Happy coaching!


My Diary said...

Nice Blog... Thanks for the tips on the addition. Well, we tried it on Charmayne and now she loves to do addition... I showed Charmayne the Blog and I think she was very jealous of Nicole with all her pictures and art class drawings feature on the Blog... she now request for our own Blog as well... will have to figure out soon how to get it started... Cheers, Gek San :)

Administrator said...

Hi there. Glad that Charmayne is motivated now...It shouldnt be difficult to start a is fun too...we can learn from each other...let me know if you need some help though I am rather green myself.. happy bloggin :)

Anonymous said...

wow....Nicole already started on addition. She is such a smart girl! I will definitely find some opportunity to try on Serena! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the addition tips, Nicole is so fast in learning everything. Will find time to try on Jazreel... :)

Administrator said...

Not at all, Annie, Amy. It's my pleasure to share and it is fun to learn together. Let me know how your girls like this method. As and when I discover new ways, I will put it up in the blog. Stay tuned!