Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Outing - Choosy Nicole

We went for a kiddie gathering at Dempsey Road this morning. It was a long overdue get together amongst a few good friends. Our first stop was at Ben & Jerry's and we moved on to Bambini thereafter. We then had a banquet styled lunch at Tanglin Mall - (we needed to combine 3 tables in order to accommodate all of us :)

While the kids played at the gym, we adults had some snacks at Bambini Cafe and Auntie Chukky very kindly offered Nicole a little bit of ice-cream out of her Rootbeer Float. At the sight of that tiny little bit of ice-cream, Nicole declined with a bitter look on her face as though it was an insult, " No, I dont want THIS KIND of ice-cream. I want Ben & Jerry's." (Gosh, how demanding and choosy...)

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