Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Practice makes perfect?

There is always a steep learning curve to all new things that we are exposed to. This theory is more so applicable in the context of kids' learning. Imagine teaching a 4-year-old some abstract concepts like, why does an apple fall from a tree? My own observation is that the little person would probably not understand the concept of gravity but if we could explain it in a more child friendly manner, perhaps he/she could grasp 10% of the concept of gravity??

I wrote about my 3 little steps in tackling additions in my previous post which is proven effective with Nicole. I was trying to put Ethan to bed last night and in order to stop Nicole from coming into the bedroom, I gave Nicole 3 sums to tackle and told her to complete them while I was putting Ethan to sleep. I estimated I would need some 8 to 10minutes to get Ethan to sleep and that would be about the time Nicole would require in completing her sums.

To my surprise, Nicole came dashing and knocking at my bedroom door in just under 4 minutes! (I had my handphone next to me and I was checking the time). Well, I wasnt quite pleased that she disrupted Ethan's sleep but I was absolutely delighted to see her good work! She insisted that I upload her good work into my blog :)
Does anyone have any experiences in teaching subtraction which requires "borrowing"? I will have to figure a way out....stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Well done, Nicole. Even I am very impressed!!
I better start Serena on some math exercise. hehehe.....
Keep up the good work!

Administrator said...

Nicole has her own mood swing too. She refused to do anything today

Well, stay tuned, I will share other methods of teaching the little ones as I discover them). We can exchange ideas!