Thursday, June 10, 2010

Story reading

We were reading this book together. It was about a king who had 50 wives. All but one gave him a son each. He was disappointed and sent the wife who was childless away. Little did he know that she was already pregnant when she was sent away. She gave birth to a baby boy not long after. 15 years went by and the boy grew up to be a strong young man. He went back to the palace and upon reading the above, N raised her eye brows " Mummy! how can the "youngest son" be bigger than the king's other sons?"
Me " Huh? ah ha,,,,what do you mean? I am glad you asked"
N " The king sent the wife away because she did not give him a son. The other 49 wives did. Their babies were born first. How can this last son be older?"
Indeed, there was disconnect in the storyline. N was analytical enough to pick it up! I gave her a tight squeeze and a big hug for paying attention to such fine details :)


Vickylow said...

smart thinking gal.

LittleLamb said...

both ur kids very smart......

cre8tone said...


Jaanvi said...

Mommy's intelligent girl....