Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Word twister

E is becoming more and more disobedient and has learnt to twist words around. He came running to knock at my bathroom door " Mummy, can I watch TV"

Me " No Ethan, you have to rest your eyes"

Didnt respond to what I said, he ran to Rose, " Auntie Rose, Mummy said I can watch TV "

Hearing what I said to E, Rose confronted him and he just kept whining and whining..... :( I am really having a hard time disciplining this little one.


LittleLamb said...

Be Firm!!!!

Vickylow said...

haha clever Ethan. Sometime my girl did that too.

Jaanvi said...


How are you doing? Feeling really good reading your posts again... not to worry, kids resort to number of tactics at this age but if we keep on trying, their habits imporve with time...