Monday, August 25, 2008

Play with me!

Ethan's is going through an explosion phase in his gross motor skill development. He is now able to throw a ball directly and repeatedly to me, trying to engage me in his game! Though not exactly the most interesting game from my perspective, it is very satisfying to see him play with much joy!


LittleLamb said...

from my experience, use the word "pass the ball" instead of "throwing". later u dont want him to associate throwing of everything...

hehehe my 2 cent

Administrator said...

yes ...that is defintely a much more refined word...thanks dear!

Jaanvi said...

u must be enjoying it a lot... seeing ur child growing in fromt of you is a beautiful experience....
Actually i was not in town,we went over to meet my inlaws and Maks had a helluva time there,so much of pampering :)

Mummy Gwen said...

Maybe boys' development are faster than the girls? My girl is quite slow on her development. She only started walking around 18 months!

Administrator said...

hi jaanvi,

indeed... these moments are amount of $$ can buy them...i truely enjoy you had a good break...cheers

hi mummy gwen,
I wouldnt be too fact ethan is not walking quite well see that he has a big head..heh...kinda hard for him to balance i suppose ha...pd says it is fine..other than walking, he is climbing and crawling everywhere..having a hard time keeping track of up will be his new love - the stairs!....cheers