Sunday, August 17, 2008

World trip after lesson

The girls just couldn't wait to play. They quickly finished drawing the number line, read one poem and proceeded to continue their "world trip".

They decided they were going to Germany. I almost fainted when I saw what they did to the stairs. Two weeks ago, they laid 4 steps. Last Sunday, they conquered 5 !

Me " why are you girls going to Germany?"
Shan" we are going to work"
Me " huh? what are you going to do?"
Nic " We don't know. We will find out when we get there"
Shan " ya, our boss is very nice"
Me " Who is your boss?"
Shan " His name is Mr Boss"
Me " oic. Why is he so nice?"
Nic " because he doesn't scold us"

Nic" The pirate is flying the plane now"
Shan " we can sleep now."
Me " Nicole, can a pirate fly your plane?"
Nic " hahha,,,i mean a pilot!"

Rose and I just couldn't help laughing!

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