Saturday, September 6, 2008

Who likes cheese?

Ethan enjoys reading this book. He is able to pronounce some of the names of the animals featured here, one of which is "mouse" without the "s" though. So, here it goes.

Me " Who likes cheese?"
Ethan " Mou(se)" (while flipping the page)

He gave me another surprise yesterday.

Me "Who likes cheese?"
Ethan " (E)than, bao wo" (without pronouncing the "e" as he was asking me to lift him to the kitchen to get his cheese) ("bao wo" means carry me in mandarin)

Afterall, Ethan was born in the year of the PIG and that probably explains his love for food:)


Mommy to Chumsy said...

ooo..that's a nice book :D

Lee said...

Hi Contentedmom...I'll take a pass at cheese. Somehow have never gone overboard with it, or tomatos or duck or turkey.
My wife says I'm very 'lecheh', ha ha as she loves them, plus chi keok'....eeeeee!
Ha ha, Lee.

Fussy mum said...

Ooo....cheese, a good source of calcium and my girl is crazy over cheese.

Administrator said...

hi mommy to chumsy,

thanks for compli.

hi u lee
i love chi keok too...haha

hi fussy mum
am glad your girl loves cheese too..good for her bone development...