Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kaya Puff

Nic loves kaya.
However, due to its high sugar and saturated fat contents, I don't encourage it at home. On second thought, if I could make it a healthier version and she gets to enjoy it, why not? I discovered a way of making kaya without having to stand and steam for 2 long hours at the stove. I did mine in 30 minutes and it is equally yum with half the usual sugar and saturated fats :). Let me know if you are keen to try it out too :)

In the baking were some yummy kaya puffs. Nic had 4 pieces within a day!
You see how small my oven is? Hence, sometimes my output is insufficient to meet demand but I refuse to change it because this is my very first oven! It is my baby!


Amy said...

Yes, Jaz loves kaya too... :)

Vickylow said...

The pastries look crunchy and yummy.

Administrator said...

Hi Amy, Vicky,

Thanks for your constant encouragement.:)