Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Lor Mai Kai"

Home made "lor mai kai" - a lighter version without the blacksauce. It looks a little pale without the blacksauce but certainly there was no compromise on the taste. To me, black sauce is just a form of artificial colouring and sweetener and it doesnt do much to the food. I would rather use raw sugar as a substitute anytime.
My interest in baking has stretched beyond its boundary! I am into cooking too. I can't believe it myself! I guess the kids and L would benefit from my interest, well at least after the initial gestational period.
It really isn't so difficult afterall. At least, that was my own perception. :)


Vickylow said...

Yummy Lor Mai Kai.

cre8tone said...

Like the big egg in the loh mai kai.. :)