I personally do not subscribe to the way the Math syallabus is being structured here. It is more of a test in English comprehension! If a child is weak in English, he or she is bound to do badly in Maths by default! Is it fair? I guess not!
Thereafter, we read a poem and both girls could recite the one we learnt last week! They were both very proud of their own achievement and demanded that I clapped and cheered for them :)
yes, do cherish their growing up.. esp now with all the webcams and digital camera.. during my days as a young mum, only the normal camera with film type was with me. now my kids are in their teenage years, one is 20 already... i hv only pics to remember them by,, which reminds me, i must buy a good album to arrange them..
Wah..The girls are so smart. Yes, it's not fair when the emphasize is more on the English instead of real Math.
wow..your girl is not even 5 and can do these questions already?! She so smart!
actually kids here are taught to use their analytical skill to solve qtns...so to be able to analyse, u have to understand thus, english is def very important.
Hi Contentedmom, can see you have smart kids.
Day before the papers here published the names of the top Canadian students who did well in their highschool exams...and 6 were Chinese...everyone scoring 97, 98, 99% scores and two had 100%.
One girl was overall best in Canada at 100% in all her maths and science. Universities here and US chasing after them offering scholarships.
I was never good at maths or arithmetic, even today. When shopping my wife does the paying ha ha.
I have never scored a 60% in maths in school, always borderline....but will score on English, literature and geography.
You have a great week, best regards, Lee.
hi, reanaclaire,
you are abosolutely right...they grow fast! cheers
hi mummy gwen, rachel
thanks for compliments..nicole has interest in maths somehow..so it makes things a lot easier..cheers
hi U Lee
you make a good husband defintely!..I wish mine were a borderline case too, hence leaving all $$ to me...heehee ..good nite to you.
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