Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"No junk" policy

Though not exactly a health freak myself, I am very particular about the kids' diet.

Every so often, Nicole would bring home bags and bags of sweets and "junks" from birthday parties held in her school. I would normally do a quick check before returning the party bag to her. Out go the sweets, heavily sweetened cookies or biscuits, twisties, cheesy rings and what not. She would probably be left with 1 mashmallow and 1 plain cracker. She has learnt to accept her fate and be happy with what she is given. I am thankful to have Nicole's understanding in this area :) In this incident, poor Nicole was left with one tiny bag of mashmallow.

I would rather buy my own snacks for her. An occasional treat of ice cream and chocolates and a good selection of yogurt and cheese sticks :) Perhaps this is one way to keep your kids healthy? Nicole doesn't fall ill easily, thank God!


Anonymous said...

Hi irene, I will normally confiscate all the b'day junks from Jazreel too but with her much protest, of course.

Anonymous said...

Hi irene, I will normally confiscate all the b'day junks from Jazreel too but with her much protest, of course.

Health Freak Mommy said...

I think so coz Alycia loves eating junkies that her daddy buys her and she falls sick easier and more frequently than Sher who does not like to eat much. Outside food (unhealthy ones) and junkies are the no. 1 cause of Alycia falling sick :(

Anonymous said...

I am with you. :)

I normally prefer giving then cheese, raisins or fresh fruits to munch on if they needed some snacks. Occssionally on sweets, chocolates & chips too la....

But true enough, they hardly fall sick (touch wood!) and it makes me more belive that what I did was right. :) Keep it up.

Administrator said...

hi Amy

good to see you here...and glad that you share the same sentiment too...

and healthfreakmommy and karen,

well. let's give ourselves a pat on the back for taking good care of our kids!

Anonymous said...

Serena love junk foods and I never really stopped her from eating them provided her eating her main meals. It is just amazing that she is quite healthy and growing amazingly well. I think I am just lucky, will need to keep an eye out in the future! :)

Administrator said...

Hi annie,

you must have very good genes....good for you :)..indeed serena is a healthy and cheerful little girl! well done!