Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My little girl

We are always so busy with our daily routine so much so that we hardly have time to reflect upon the past. I was dusting the albums and these 2 photos just caught my attention.

1)Nicole celebrated her 2nd birthday with her po-po and gong-gong and everyone else back in my hometown. She was simply mesmerised by the huge Barney birthday cake. Nicole was already very chatty at a mere age of 2. I really miss those good old days when she was less demanding and much more accommodating. She is now an opinionanted 4 y.o.! It has been 2 years since. How time flies. That said, I do rejoice at her achievements and milestones. Looking at her, it is comforting to know that my decision to be SAHM is all worth it :)

2) Nicole at her 1st ever school concert in Dec 2006, soon after her 2nd birthday and guess what? I was already pregnant with Ethan, and hence the baggy clothing. In spite of the pregnancy, I still insisted on wearing a pair of 3 inch high heels :) Looking back, I think I did enjoy both my pregnancies though I had morning sickness for a good 3 to 4 months. The feeling of a little one growing in me was simply beyond words! If only I were 5 years younger, I would seriously consider a 3rd one!


MommyAngel said...

Time really flies ... I think you can still have a 3rd one and not too late especially now you have decided to be a SAHM? Why not? Can see that you kids are pretty easy to handle or else, you won't be even thinking about that :)

Anonymous said...

i understand you perfectly too! it is simply a joy to have kids. i am now seeing my two girls growing up and i never used to like children. like you, i wished i was younger so that i could have a more kids. i really love them but i just turned 40 recently and i think my body is just too weak to have more. my two girls were also by c-section.

oh the contest is simple. the top 4 commentators by end of Oct, gets a prize. here are the details

LittleLamb said...

mummy so sexy......
& pretty..

yeah how time flies huh..and how i wish it wont move at all :(

2xMum said...

Yeah... time flies, and I wish the clock could be paused!!

Mummy Gwen said...

You are truly a great mommy. It's not easy being a mom. Lots of sacrifices and patience. Hey, finally I get to see how u look like. You are really pretty. :) Can show yr recent photos ah..hehe...:P

Lee said...

Hi Contented mom, never too late having another one...ha ha.
And yes, its always nice looking back at old pics....for me its 30 year old diaries I kept.
Love your pics, very nice.
You keep well and have a nice day. Lee.

Administrator said...

thank you all for the sweet comments. I am blushing now :)

Anonymous said...

It's not too late to have a 3rd one! :)

Yeah, I love to look back on those old photos's amazing how fast time flies!!!

Administrator said...

Hi annie,

good to see you here...when is your turn for no.2? heehee..alrady WIP? :)

DG said...

Wah! you are so pretty!