Lawrence and I had a small argument over the decorative lightings for our new place which is currently tenanted out.
Law " I think you have no taste. I have such good taste. Why do I even need to ask you for an opinion?"
Me " Certainly. Look at whom I married and whom you married! What more do I need to say?"
Lawrence was speechless for a good 10 seconds and that made my day!! :)
3 days ago
I'm trying hard not to laugh out loud at office now. hahahah!
Superb reply!~
LOL that made him think! didn't it?!
That's a good one!!! Hahahaha .....
Really a good 1st time visiting ur blog!!
What is funnier is it took him a while to understand. :P
ha ha ha :) that's quite witty of you...
Hahaha, what a brilliant reply!!!! Bravo Contentedmum *clap clap*
that's better than a slap on his face.
LOL! that's a good one!! :)
It took me a moment to understand the joke. haha.... very funny.
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