Nicole has not been putting in much effort in learning lately, be it Maths, English or Chinese. This is all because I am not around during the day and my mom is pretty easy with her.
Me “ Nicole, what have you learnt in school today?”
Nic “ Nothing much, just playing”
Me “ What do you mean? Surely you learn something new everyday?”
Nic “ No, my magic brain has broken down and it is under repair! So I didn’t learn anything….”
What would you do if you get this from your little girl? ***faint***
17 hours ago
Ha!~ What an answer...
When will magic brain fully finish repaired?
"oh... then you need a better mechanic to work faster"
*laugh* that's what I would reply....
Mommy should you take a screw driver open her magic brain to fix it LOL
Hahaha! She really has the gift of the gab!
My son's standard reply lately when I ask him about school is 'I forgot'.
I'll be really happy!
She's a very smart and gifted child!
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