Sunday, July 29, 2012

Durian Ice cream & Chocolate Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

Nothing could be more motivating than a nice rich cup of chocolate cookies and cream ice cream for E. With full knowledge that such was available, E volunteered to practise his pieces and learn his "Tin Xia". The tasks were completed in just under 10mins!

I made the ice cream for I had a fair bit left after making J's birthday cake and cheesecake. E and N were the sole beneficiaries of the fresh cream as it was turned into their respective favourite - Durian ice cream for N and Chocolate cookies and cream ice cream for E.

I used my own simple recipe as I am not a fan of having egg yolks in the ice cream.

Here goes:

Durian ice-cream recipe without using an ice-cream maker

Fresh durian flesh (about 400g)
Fresh cream ( about 400 ml)
Milk ( about 200ml)
Lemon juice (1 tablespoon)
Sugar (optional, if you prefer a sweeter taste)

1. Cook durian flesh in Milk, stirring and mashing till it turns into a paste. (You may blend it instead if you wish. Add sugar, if you wish).
2. Leave to cool.
2. Whip fresh cream with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice till just before it reaches stiff peak.
3. Mix whipped cream into durian paste.
4. Freeze for 2 hours
5. Whisk or stir and freeze again.
6. Repeat the process 3 times or more.


LittleLamb said...

use a blender next time. that's how i cheat for my ice creams.

Administrator said...

Hi Little Lamb,

Thanks for tips. I belong to the "lazy" group and am a minimalist. I dont want to wash the blender...haha ( I can delegate to Rose but I would rather save her the trouble). Well, it is indeed an easier way I agree :) Good way to share so that other bloggers can also learn :)

Happy baking!
