Both were playing like they were the best of friends. N initiated to help E to make a glass of ice cold milo. E was delighted. They each had a glass of milo to go with their porridge. Out of the blue, E had the craziest idea. He poured half of his milo into his porridge and offerred to share with N.
N " Yucks! What on earth are you doing to your porridge? One side is brown and one side is white!"
E " Milo porridge. My recipe!. Let me try.......Oh yucks! I am not going to eat it..."
N " Ya. great recipe of yours!"
They must have seen me coming up with my own recipes for alot of the bakes and they wanted to create their own too....hahaha
3 days ago
Great recipe = more great food!
Hi, not sure about the recipes of the kids though, heehee cheers
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