Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are we good parents to our kids?

I was at the supermarket picking up some fish for the kids. As I was walking down the travellator, the supermarket attendant pushed up a fleet of trolleys only to be met by a small little boy, probably aged 5 or so. The trolleys almost hit him on his face as the attendant couldn't see him given his small frame. The next thing i heard were some unkind words from the father.

Father " Ooi, Nelson, open your eyes!!"
Father " you can not see meh? do you want to be knocked down?" (while throwing his grocery into the boot of his brand new 5series BMW)
Boy " no " (stood trembling as he spoke)

I wanted to give that father a piece of my mind but on second thought, I held back. Firstly, he shouldnt be lecturing the poor boy in such a harsh tone and in such badly spoken English. It was painful to my ears even. Secondly, it was due to no fault of the little boy. As it was, the boy already got a shock when the fleet of trolleys came dashing towards him.

Why can't we as parents be more sensitive towards our little ones? They need encouragement, love and care but certainly not unreasonable scoldings, though I must not rule out the possibility of work stress and many other forms of pressure which cause some of us to behave in that undesirable fashion. I hope the father would reflect upon his action and make it up to his son. Poor boy!


Anonymous said...

I agree ... The father must be scared to death and felt so guilty about it, but instead of scolding himself, he chose to scold his boy :(

2xMum said...

I totally agree with you!!
I've witnessed a father who slap his son in public!! Hubby & I went to a food fair last year.
The son's right eye was shield with some cotton pad (not sure what happen to his eye). The son didn't see the small drain (about 1 feet deep) and he walked into the drain and all his legs got wet! The boy cried out a little for his father. Instead of comforting him, the father slapped his face for what he did!! OMG! I feel like wanna slap the father!!

Administrator said...

hi hn, wonderful life,

i would have interfered if the father had gotten physical with the boy, given my personality. As much as I should be minding my own business, I simply can not tolerate abusive action on kids. I just hope that as parents, we can better manage our stress and pressure (if that is the excuse), instead of putting it on the poor child :(