Friday, November 7, 2008

Nicholas' birthday party

Nicole was invited to Nicholas' 4. y.o. BBQ birthday party.

As usual, the kids were having so much fun together. The kids simply adored the birthday cake which was personally decorated by Nicholas's mummy. Nicole had one big slice of cake and she still wanted to have a second helping!
The highlight of the BBQ were the crab claws. They were truely lovely! I am still salivating over it, though I am not exactly a crab person, yum yum :)


cre8tone said...

Wow! the birthday cake really looks very nice wor...

2xMum said...

Nice birthday party and nice cake!!

The birthday boy's mom really good a baking. I don't think I could bake such a lovely birthday cake... :(

Anonymous said...

4 year old, so many candles ah?!!!

slavemom said...

Nicholas' mummy is vy talented. I'm a crab person so I'm thinking abt BBQ crab claws. *salivating*

Vickylow said...

wah his mum very good in baking at deco the cake.

Fussy mum said...

Nice cake and I'm sure it taste good.

Lee said...

Hi Contented mom, I love crabs, claws, anything to do with seafood.
By the way, you not put a picture in your profile page.
Looks kind of empty there, ha ha.
Have a great weekend, Lee.