Then, it was English reading again. The only words which they could not pronounce were " bawled, sulked, continued". It was indeed a great achievement for the girls!
I introduced subtraction to Shanon but Nicole refused to co-operate as she had learnt it quite a few months ago. As I was coaching Shanon, Nicole busied herself by drawing her "Greenie" :(
Finally, it was playtime again. Shanon pretended to be the doctor and Nicole was her patient! It was an interesting sight watching them role play :)
I really learn a lot from u, how to teach a kid, step by step... :) U're a great mother and a great teacher :)
wow chinese poem... I bought the chinese poem CD, long time never turn it on for my girl.
You really have lots of activities for the gals at home. Good for them. :)
You are definitely a great mommy, which makes me really wonder why would (some)parents allow their babies to be cooked *sigh* just did a blog post about it, *sigh* sorry to sound so sad, when your post is such a joyful one....
Hi Contentedmom, its really good and useful to learn Mandarin.
A lot of Chinese kids here, the very young ones after few years forget their Chinese language, as well a lot can't speak Chinese.
So they go for Chinese classes in school or private tuition.
And especially Cantonese and Mandarin now thw 2nd language in Toronto.
And surprisingly, lots of White kids, even Middle Eastern kids taking up Mandarin here.
I regret not having learned it when young.
But was surprised to learn there are 1700 Chinese characters in the written language, of which, for example, the newspapers only use max 700.
So, your kids are doing well now...keep it up, they'll be very good in couple of years.
Best regards, Lee.
At the rate u're going, I think they'd be ready for algebra by the time they enter P1. ;)
u r a great and patient mom
all of you have been so supportive and nice, and yes, it is a good feeling seeing the kids learn and grow each day! You have a good weekend :)
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