Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lend vs borrow vs ownership

I was helping N to assemble her Lego truck, the complexity of which was meant for a 9 y.o while she was at her art class. E came along and spotted the new toy.

E " I want the truck mummy"
Me " Well, this belongs to Jie Jie, you would have to borrow from her"
E " No no, I dont want to borrow."
Me " Why?"
E " No, I dont want to borrow, it is mine!"
Me " Then, you have to ask if she is going to lend it to you "
E " NO NO NO! I don't want her to lend it to me, it is Mine!"

See? E learnt that ownerhip is NOT transferred by borrowing or lending. As such, he would always be at N's mercy as and when she wants it back. Kids do learn at lightning pace :)