Thursday, January 21, 2010


Girls of this age group seem to have a common liking for PINK. Anything, you name it. Pink dress, pink shoes, pink bedsheets, pink bags, pink hair clips, pink wall etc.

As a result of this pink phase, we had to redecorate N's bedroom. Now, miles away, you would be able to smell the "pinkness" of her room. One thing which I did not agree to having it turned pink was the curtain! Imagine that ALL PINK LOOK? *faint*

Well, the blessing is, now N is sleeping in her own PINK room instead of sharing ours. But, I have my doubt how long this "pinkness" can sustain her before she comes knocking on our bedroom door again :)


Vickylow said...

It's really funny why girl love PINK so much, would it be influence by those Barbie doll, Minnie mouse & etc. Some of the boutique almost selling everything in PINK, gosh I wish my girl wardrobe put in rainbow colour clothing but not just PINK.

Vivianz said...

My girl also all pink. the room, the bed, everything pink... so sick of pink sometimes...

Kristie said...

nice pinky stuffs for girlie girls :)

cre8tone said...

Pink is very girlie nice..