Monday, October 6, 2008

Nicole's one and only fish is gone too :(

Rose and Nicole were very happy to bring home 22 guppies. They separated them into 2 tanks - green and pink, with Greenie in the blue tank. They followed the feeding instruction carefully, 2 pallets, 3 times a day. Nicole went checking on them every other hour. I could sense the liveliness in the household.

Soon, their happiness was overtaken by extreme sadness. The guppies were dying, one after another. Within 2 days, Nicole was left with one miserable fish, all alone in the tank. I prayed that this little fish would survive to be a companion to Greenie as it was set out to be!
Just yesterday, we spotted 5 baby fish in the tank! The one and only mommy fish had given birth! But upon closer examination, the babies were no longer alive. I was very disturbed and rather emotional when I cleaned the tank.
My heart sanked right to the bottom when I went to check on the lonely mommy fish just now. It had gone to heaven too! Nicole is still in school and I dont know how she would react to see her one and only fish floating motionlessly in the water :( sob!


Fussy mum said...

oh dear, i'm sure Nicole will be very upset about it. Luckily she still has Greenie around.

cre8tone said...

this is sad...

Anonymous said...

maybe your water is too clean for the fish? or maybe you should use "longkang" water?

Administrator said...

hi bell, ya have got a point!

MommyAngel said...

Oh boy ... what's Nicole reaction? If I were in that situation, I really do not know what to do. Maybe I'll just throw the fish away and told my girl the fish has joined all its other friend .....

Anonymous said...

this sounds so similar to the time when 'my kids' bird died...

oh don't worry, a few days...after a few days and it will be forgotten, just remember to keep the fish tank out of sight, so that it will be out of mind.

LittleLamb said...

yes, because water too little, not salty enough and no oxigen...

u need to put more water, and the white lotion and put a pump....& never overfeed the fishes.

heehheeh i got some experience b4..

Health Freak Mommy said...

The same thing happened to our fish initially when we first started to rear fish. When u clean the tank, u shd leave some of the old water behind. Dont throw away all the old water yer know.... and dont overfeed. Now, all our fish are thriving and we have sooooo many new baby fish too. None are dying now :)

Mummy Gwen said...

How's she taking it? Hope she will forget about it soon.

Administrator said...

thanks mommies, for all your tips!

Anonymous said...

This is so sad!!
I was thinking about getting Serena a pet or some sort when I read about Nicole's fish, then here comes this. Probably it is not a good idea after all?! In another hand, it might helps them to understand the way of life in a difficult way?!

Administrator said...

hi annnie,

i think keeping a tortoise would be an easier task...they are more sturdy. Nicole wasnt as emotional as I thought. She just nodded her head and asked why. She is happy that she still has her Greenie! :)

rachelsee said...

this is so sad. We let Malcolm keep a pet fish in spore too, but a hardier fighting fish cos my boy can get very drama when something dies!

2xMum said...

So sad to hear this...

Perhaps too crowded or over fed the fishes? Maybe it's water content that killed them...

KoLe said...

hows the fish now?
most def need a pump unless they are labyrinth fish. and the water need to aerate overnight before u pour into the tank.. do likewise everytime u change water. and change max half everytime. else too chlorinated the fish cannot take it.

a fighting fish is a good idea.. no need pump..

HIH and your fish can cont to give ur darling loads of laughter.

KoLe said...

sorry.. read wrongly.. didnt realise the fish has passed away :(