Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bedtime reading

E is another cutie pie with a "selective" elephant memory.

I am so glad that our recent library trips have rekindled his love for reading....or least his love to be "read to". We have been reading a few of his choice books for the past several nights before bedtime, so much so that he knows that I have skipped pages and lines. I must confessed, I got really tired reading the same book of over 30 pages every night. This is not all, he would have 7 to 8 books all lined up for bedtime reading. :)

I read ".....Hopper tried to push to wheelbarrow up the hill and when he finally made it there, he had a big feast of easter eggs, marshmallows, jelly beans and chocolate bunnies."

E " No, you havent finished reading the first page....It should be " Hopper tried to push the wheelbarrow up the hill and a strawberry cream filled easter egg rolled down the hill to the stream. When he finally made it there, he had a big feast of easter eggs, marshmallows, jelly beans and chocholate bunnies"

He would regurgitate it without casting an eye on the words at all. Pure memory work!

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