Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Buy and Sell

I remember we played alot of "buy and sell" when Nic was about 4 yo. It was my way of teaching her the values of money and mental maths. Now, we are repeating the same play with E and it was E's first time at it. He showed tremendous interest in the play but he was obviously not observing the rules. He set his own.

Me " How much is this plate of pasta?"
E " $5"

Me " Ok, I will have a plate, here you go, $5" (and I took the plate of pasta from his "stall")

He came running after me.

E" Mummy! you can not take my pasta. It's mine"
Me " But I paid for it. You took my money"
E " No, the pasta belongs to me. Give me back"
Me " I know. We exchanged, remember? You have my $5 now"

After 2 sessions, he has learnt the concept of buy and sell. Now, he wouldnt insist that I have taken his merchandise. He would happily part with them, as soon as he receives his money.


LittleLamb said...

Its good they have sibling play.
I do this buy n sell game with P too. He still cant grasp value..so he will simply say 10 dollars, 100 dollars, no need to pay..ahahhaha

btw, ur previous post..BRAVO on u. really...u r one super mom who sacrifice for N. How many rounds again for baking in that small oven? I definitely would chicken out n buy off the shelves. THis shows ur LOVE to N is beyond measures :) *pat on self*..GOOD JOB.

Happy Birthday to N too :)

Administrator said...

Thank you Little Lamb. You are such an angel. You made my day! I am very sure you show your love to P in many other ways, which would surpass cake baking...heehee :)

Have you thought of giving it a try? start with Muffins....you cant go wrong with Muffins. Minimal mixing required...Just lightly mix the ingredients and dump it into the oven. :)